Anact: Sustainable Towels

Elevate Your Daily Routine and Embrace a Greener Future

June 1, 2023

Post header image Anact

Anact believes in the power of simple acts of kindness and goodwill. Their mission is to provide versatile and spa-quality bath towels that elevate daily routines while promoting self-care. Founder Brianna was determined to solve the issue of mildewy towels, leading her to discover the eco-friendly benefits of hemp. Through sustainable practices and a focus on local supply chains, Anact aims to combat climate change and reshape the textile industry.

Anact takes responsibility for the harmful impacts of conventional textile production by creating products made from natural plant fibers. They prioritize sustainability by designing towels with an end-of-life approach and promoting innovation and automation. By eliminating outdated practices prevalent in countries with lax regulations, Anact aims to reverse climate change and reduce the industry's environmental footprint.

Anact seen on GMA' Deals & Steals to live clean & green

Hemp, a key ingredient in Anact's towels, offers numerous environmental benefits. Compared to cotton, hemp requires less water and fewer pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides. Its natural resistance to bacteria growth makes it a sustainable and healthy choice for both consumers and farmers. By incorporating hemp into their towels, Anact promotes a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional textiles.

The textile industry is a significant contributor to the climate crisis. Anact believes that by using natural plant fibers and establishing local supply chains, they can make a difference in reversing climate change. Through their commitment to sustainability, Anact is leading the way towards a greener future.

Anact's journey to transform the textile industry with sustainable bath towels showcases the power of simple acts. By embracing hemp and promoting eco-friendly practices, they are actively combatting climate change. With Anact, you can enhance your daily routines while contributing to a healthier planet. Join Anact in their mission to create a more sustainable and responsible textile industry—one towel at a time.

"Patagonia should be the rule not the exception. Every brand and person can do An Act to make a difference and that's why we're here. We have a responsibility to leave the planet better than we found it."

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Anact towels


Founder of Anact

Brianna Kilcullen (Founder)

Meet Brianna Kilcullen, the founder of Anact. Passionate about creating positive impact, Brianna's simple act was to develop sustainable towels made from hemp and organic cotton. With a background in the apparel industry and experience working with renowned brands, she brings expertise and a vision for a greener future. Through Anact, Brianna is empowering change one towel at a time, promoting sustainability and a better world for all.